Thursday, March 5, 2009

=+=mY miLitAry pApA=+=

I have a complete and happy family which I am proud and thankful of. My parent as well my siblings made me happy every time I have a problem which I need a shoulder to lean on. My father is Reynaldo Garcia Palaganas, who is a retired Navy last month. He is a type of person who hide what he really feels. He is so silent, serious and doesn't make a joke. Maybe that's the reason why I am very serious in life because he influence me a lot and I have no plan to change this attitude. I believe that God given us life as not a joke and better to use it in appropriate manner. I admire my father so much because he always put in our mind that we, his children, must live with dignity and the courage to live in a right manner. Honestly speaking, sometimes I feel he doesn't trust me because until now he treat me like a child. I know he's just thinking for my own goods but how can I tell him nicely that I'm not anymore a child to spoon feed always??? But despite of his manner, I really appreciate the way he play his role to us his children. I am so contented that God has given me a father like him, STRICT but very perfect father for me!

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