Friday, March 13, 2009

^-^mixEd emOtion^-^

Yeah! At last, one week more to go I will have some rest which from the past few months I didn't experience because several of assignments, projects, studies and reports in school. Some people say that being student is so enjoy which I didn't agree on my part. I'll just feel it every time our examinations ends.

Being too busy for my studies is a big challenge for me. Honestly sometimes, I feel that I want to quit and shift to other course that is easier than Nursing, but every time I see my mother who believes on my ability to finish my studies, I gain fighting spirit to pursue my dreams.

From this moment of time, I feel so excited, happy and nervous. Happy and excited because few days from now being sophomore will end and I will have another step for the goal. But behind this happiness and excitement, I feel nervous. It is because also few days to go more heavy and big challenges will I am be facing. Again there will be Return Demonstrations which I really hate but I'm trying to love it to have the confidence needed to get a high and good performance.

I'm just praying to God for his guidance on me to succeed all the challenges that life brings to me. Only God will know what will be my future, but I am always trying my best in every task or trials I have cause I know God will help me and will do the rest.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

>>fiGht bAckEr cLassmAtEs<<

I admit that I am so silent and do not socialized with my classmates whenever they have a GIMIK. Since I am young, I really don't feel to go anywhere without any purpose. Maybe that's the reason why my classmates fightback me when I am not around. Honestly speaking I hate them, only few of them I consider a friend. Before, when they say something offending I just ignored it, "para bang wala lang akong narinig." But as the time goes bye, they treat me like a PIG! Maybe they think that I haven't hear it but the thruth behind that silence is, i'm just trying to be deaf to escape any conflict.

Until now, I'm trying to control my temper, but I promise this to myself, ONLY ONE MOVE FROM MY CLASSMATES WHICH IS OFFENDING, I WILL NEVER KEEP SILENT ANYMORE! They push me to be brave which from my entire life I never imagine and think to hurt others even I am already hurt.

I hope from the time you read this, may you try to change your attitude 'coz I know and I am sure that I didn't stepped you and I respect all of you my classmates as a person. I hope you also learn to respect others instead of critisizing or fighting back against me! I appreciate more those people who talked to me frankly than those pretender!

I don't look for any problems or conflicts between us guys, only I want to bear in your mind is that, it's better to respect and lift your classmates up than pulling them down "MAHIRAP NG BALIKAN NG KARMA!"

P.S. guys, try to value the golden rule "DO NOT DO UNTO OTHERS WHAT YOU DON'T OTHERS DO UNTO YOU."

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

*,* thE LuvstOry i wAnt *,*

I know i'm too young to enter a serious relationship. But if that right time will come, I want to have a love story which is full of love, respect, loyalty and trust. I believe that love is the most important element of having a good and ever lasting relationship. How do I say so? Because we can repect, trust and be loyal if we really love that person.

If I will love, I will make sure that the person is my first and the last. Love is like a war, easy to start but hard to end! This insight keeps me reminded that love is not a game when you want to quit you'll just turn it off or proceed to the next level. This is a commitment which two people are endulge to share their love and life together.

In this moment of my life, honestly speaking I am not yet ready to deal with it. I know God has the best love story for me. I am not expecting too much but this is the way to show Him that I trust his will he built on me. I really believe that everything happens in this world, good or bad has a purpose behind it. Through the mistakes I had experienced, it will help me to be a better person not only in the eyes of the people around me but mostly to the eyes of God.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

=+=mY miLitAry pApA=+=

I have a complete and happy family which I am proud and thankful of. My parent as well my siblings made me happy every time I have a problem which I need a shoulder to lean on. My father is Reynaldo Garcia Palaganas, who is a retired Navy last month. He is a type of person who hide what he really feels. He is so silent, serious and doesn't make a joke. Maybe that's the reason why I am very serious in life because he influence me a lot and I have no plan to change this attitude. I believe that God given us life as not a joke and better to use it in appropriate manner. I admire my father so much because he always put in our mind that we, his children, must live with dignity and the courage to live in a right manner. Honestly speaking, sometimes I feel he doesn't trust me because until now he treat me like a child. I know he's just thinking for my own goods but how can I tell him nicely that I'm not anymore a child to spoon feed always??? But despite of his manner, I really appreciate the way he play his role to us his children. I am so contented that God has given me a father like him, STRICT but very perfect father for me!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

>>hOw i sEe mysELf in thE futUrE<<

More than three years from now I see myself as a license nurse. I want to go abroad as well as to help other people who need help. I dreamed to have my own car, resort, house and lot. I also dreamed to travel around the world and see how God made them all.
I know it is not a hundred percent that I can be successful in life but I really believe that there is no impossible if I just persevere to reach my goals in life. God has a best plan for me which is one where I get strength to chase my ambitions in life. If ever I will not pass the NLEX (Nursing Li censure Examination, still I will continue to find way to earn money. I promise to myself that I will never stop trying until I never yet reach all my dreams in life. If God will not answer my prayers on the time I am expecting, I know God will answer all my prayers in his desired time.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

*+ - bEing sLim -+*

Ano nga ba ako SLIM o PAYAT?? This question made me confuse. Like me, some people see me slim but others tell me that I'm thin. Honestyly speaking, I am flattered everytime somebody will tell me that I am slim because for me "hapit nato sa SEXY..hahaha." but on the other hand when someone tell me that I am thin, I felt that I am SICK and UNDER NOURISHED.:-(

"Kung pwede lang jud mangayo og TABA or ADIPOSE TISSUE (sunggo..hehehe) sa uban para mataba- taba lang ko GO kaayo ko." Funny but true! Despite of eating too much, still my figure doesn't change. I really want to gain weight and if possible I want to experience to be CHUBBY for a while LANG ayaw forever basig di nakO carry..hehehe..

MAybe tama nga ang kasabihan na "Ang taO di taLaga mArunOng mAkuntEnto, andyAn nA ngA maGhahAnap pA nG iBa." PerO I want tO make this clear, in my figure Lang ako not so contented b'cOz nakoCONSIOUS ako but in all other aspect I am very much contented on what God has given to me.

GOD bLeZ and mOr pOwEr!

-=thE rEaL mE..=-

Some people don't know who really I am. I admit that I'm a type of person who smiles when you smile, in other words I'm not a plastic person. I know how true I am to myself and also to those people around me. I hate people who made me believe that they are friends but when I turn back they will stike me until they pull me down. Sometimes I got hurt everytime I hear some criticism from others but despite of making me down, I bear in my mind that it is a big challenge for me to prove them that they are wrong and I am worthy. Based from my MOM, those people who tried to pull me down are just those who are insecure because I have what they don't have. (jAm sa akong mAmA..hmmM)
I know I'm not a perfect friend to my friends but one thing I can assure them that all what I've showed to them is real and the best of me..:-)

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

>>thE rEality behiNd fAntAsy_c",)

Why was Snow White given an apple with poison?
> To show us that not all people that are kind to us are really kind; they might have some other agenda against us, remember "LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING".
Why did Cinderella run away when the clock turned at twelve midnight?
> This is to remind us that every thing has its limitations even dreams. It also shows us that we must used our time carefully and wisely.
Why did Ariel decide to exchange her fins with feet?
> To show that anyone will try to lose anything just to be happy.

This simple message will help not only me but also to those people who will read this to realize something and take an action to change their lives and mold their personality as well.. (char lang! hehehe)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

-=mY bAby sistEr=-

That was Jan 4,2009 when my mother gave birth in San Pedro Hospital a cute baby girl. It was the first time I felt that feeling when I saw our baby which I didn't expect in my entire life to have a sibling again. We are three siblings in the family and I'm the eldest. I am already 18 years of age, followed by 17 then 16 years old. When my mother told me ten months ago that she is pregnant, I was surprised because I thought she was only joking and also because I considered the age gap of our suppose to be youngest. Its funny to hear that almost a decade is the gap between my siblings and I know that, "KAY UTRO PUD KO, hehehe".
Everytime I saw my baby sister I feel so lucky that God has given our family another angel that will bring joy to our lives. I don't know why God has given our family another member but only one thing runs into my mind, "God given KRISHA to us because she has a purpose in this world." Our baby's name is KRISHA REYNABELLE. It's a unique name and quit long right? But this name came from the combination of our names.
As of now, I am more motivated to study more because of my baby sister. I promised to my mom before she gave birth that I will take the responsibility to our baby and now I am willing to fulfill my promise to give her,as well as my family a better life.